There are always days that suck. Often for no particular reason, you just feel off-kilter, blah, gloomy, moody and a bit sad. They are expected on hungover Sundays, but as for this blue Tuesday, I have no explanation for my lingering feeling of discontent.
So I’ve made this handy wee list of blue day cures! It’s all about appreciating the little things . . .
An all encompassing list of things that are good. Lissy sent me this little blurb of things I love earlier today, just to remind me that I’m a lover not a hater, and there is plenty to be joyful about. She's right, all these things are good:
New shoes, opshop finds, RIP nail polish, friends, wine, drunken conversation, chocolate, croquettes, writing, art, photography, family, travel, giggggs, discovery of new music, old books, Shanghai Lils, Renkon/Tanukis/Kura, spirituality... and the list goes on, and on :p
Cleanliness is godliness apparently. I may not be ultra-godly but I definitely dig the therapeutic qualities of cleaning. If you’re feeling blah, it’s great to turn some music up really loud and cleanse the demons from your system, via your vacuum cleaner. There is nothing more wholesome than a clean, nookish space you can retreat to. This above bedroom looks a lot like mine and I’m taking some comfort in its current state of order!

Awesome movies from your youth. Nothing will make you feel better than something you remember from a time when you literally didn’t have any problems. When I used to watch Wayne’s World as a child, having to tidy my room was the extent of my worries. Now the great thing with Wayne’s World is that it is waaaay funnier as an adult (I think so anyway) and the musical interludes make you feel good (Dreamweaver, Bohemian Rhapsody: Word).

Reading. Takes you far, far away from all your worries. How could blah-ness exist when you’re deep in the fanciful world of Oscar Wilde?
Music that makes you happy. Everyone has their individual preferences for this, but my current happy songs are Zero by Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Soul Kitchen by The Doors, Heard Somebody Say by Devendra Banhart and Got to Let U Know by The Knife. They make me dance and smile and all that stuff, which is only a good thing.
Hehe I'm glad my little list made you feel better, I regret that I put "new shoes" first, haha now I look super shallow, but oh well, it was in no particular order, and by no means complete! :p so much cool stuff in life, no room for bla-ness....though blah-ness is okay in moderation :)...and makes us appreciate the things on the list even more...haha shut up Melissa, sorry I've had a few wines :p
ReplyDeletelove you, hope tomorrow you are back to normal happy Chris-ness :)