- Stones ginger wine. It's like the drink version of pickled ginger, it tastes like it could actually be improving your health. It's great with soda, or, for the seasoned drinker, whiskey. I have a date with some tonight
- The discovery of croquettes in Gisborne that actually taste like the amazing ones from Febo in Amsterdam. Mmmmm mashed meaty deeped fried deliciousness.
- Hearing N.W.A on vinyl last night and the rebellion on the dancefloor that ensued. Fuck tha police
- Madonna is a twit for rolling with the above outfit.
- The word phlegm.
- Everytime someone says they're getting sick and some other dickhead pipes up "oh, gee, you must have the swine flu." Lame.
Aahha I know, oh the comedians epidemics churn out