Do you ever find yourself google image searching unspecific terms such as “dad’s 55th birthday” or “office merger party” to find really shit photos of really average people doing really boring stuff? Have you ever thought to yourself while trawling through the pages of not-what-your-looking-for search results, ‘there must be an easier way’? Well, there is. Now, on Friday afternoons when I want to email lame photos to selected office buddies / Lissy and now, you, dear blog readers, I will go to Awkward Family Photos: a comprehensive online resource for unbelievably uncomfortable photos. Genius.
Enjoy x
Enjoy x
*DISCLAIMER: If the above, or in fact, anyone on this website is your mum or your friend or whatevs, I'm sorry. This is for humour value, not mean spiritedness. x
Hehehehehehe, I love that there's a website for everything