- The above clip from Sarah Marshall, love that little stoner man, teehee
- My horsey bracelet from Diva, it's love! when I first saw him I thought "hmmm bit...obvious" but I don't care that he's obvious he's still surpassed baubly tassley necklace as new most cherished jewelry item
- Google Reader, why did I not set you up sooner??
- Still receiving email alerts from London gig guides, I really should stop the pain and get around to unsubscribing to them all
- Baking (with a purpose) and then sitting in front of Sky and eating half of it....hmmm I wonder if any of my fellow potluckers tonight will take note of my meagre offering of apricot fudge balls?
- De La Soul coming to NZ, seriously, Woop di do. I know people would rather shoot me than hear such words uttered. I don't HATE their music, but by the way people have been banging on about it you'd think Obama was coming to town. I have back-up on this too. Please read final few paragraphs
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