Narwhals: Whales with heliacal tusks! Some even grow TWO tusks! They are known to use their tusks in battle to reinforce their place in the underwater community. This is called tusking. I’m completely fascinated by the concept of a whale that must SURELY be related to unicorns?!
The Horrors Primary Colours: I can’t get enough of this album. It’s so good (well, it’s totally my “cup of tea” anyway). Thanks to iChild for putting the whole album on her blog so I can listen to it at work!
Cross-dressing: Every morning I find myself dressing like a boy these days. I guess partly because it’s a) freezing and b) looks so fabulous when made a bit girly with heels + accessories etc.
: /
Paying out adults that live with their parents then deciding to move home myself: And I’m an adult too. Hypocrite! Except I have good reasons (surely like everyone else) and my stint of adult-at-dad’s-place-AGAIN will be short this time, I promise!
Charities asking for MORE money: I already give rather generously to Greenpeace each month (well, generous considering I’m not rich) and still they call me to ask for more?! I guess the recession is hitting everyone . . .
Friend requests from strangers: I think it’s a bit weird to request someone you probably wouldn’t say hello to on the street. Being in the same syndicate at intermediate doesn’t count. Nosey bastards.
No worries - glad to help with the delicious appreciation of the Horrors!
ReplyDeleteAs an aside - I feel as though you ladies may like this site. Not sure about you, but I have a thing for knuckledusters... http://ifitshipitshere.blogspot.com/2009/05/designers-knuckle-down-fashion.html
ReplyDeleteHahah interesting site...but really UN-HIP design/layout/colour!
ReplyDeleteHmmm will have to get myself a knuckleduster....something
You are not a loser for going back to stay with Pa for a while. It's a great move, and it's not for long! xxx