This is hard. It's not like we've even had a fight, or fallen out of love! it's just...circumstance, but oh the things we've managed to fit in to 1 year and 8 months, 3 flats, 2 jobs, 1 payrise 1 redundancy, 1 funeral (:() 3 weddings, 2 summers, 1 and a half winters, 2 boyfriends (well, one and a half...ish, haha), 2 overseas trips, old friends, new friends, countless gigs and parties and amazing times, times I don't even remember, times I do remember, times I'd rather forget and times I'll never forget (okay, this is getting a bit voiceover-at-the-end-of-a-cheesey-movie-ish so I'll cut it now I think)! oh photos, you're making me teary...

One week to go, getting major separation anxiety already.
I love you Wellington.
And we will always have ex-sex
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