-Fresh starts; be it a new house, a new job or just a new outlook on life. This can only be a good thing. Bring on the house move this weekend.
-Selling stuff on Trademe! Really! Extra income from stuff you don’t even want / need / give a shit about. There will always be some willing scenster that will pay $40 for a leather bustier you picked up for $2.
-Rest In Peace purple nail polish. Possibly the most bang on colour we have discovered for sometime. It’s in a bottle shaped like a coffin, and, technically, is for the purpose of ghoulish type costumes. But we’re rolling with it as everyday wear. We <3 it.
: /
-Small time frames in which massive amounts of work / life logistics must be achieved. For example, numerous stories, a 12-page career feature, meetings, house moving, bali preparation etc. All in one week. Some intense time management will be required.
-School holidays. Loud, obnoxious, excessively confident teens congregating in packs outside Wendys and other cheap food outlets, all day, everyday, for the next two weeks. Groan.
-Lady Gaga and everything she stands for – appallingly bad music (poker face?!) surpassed only by the most hideous sartorial sense I have ever witnessed.
She IS rather annoying, but I say hey as long as she feels the need to dress like that let her do it? even if it looks atrocious, freedom of expression and stuff no?
ReplyDeleteI <3 RIP nailpolish and am forever indebted to you for introducing me xx
p.s. you will get all your stuff done darling, we will be lying in the sun in hammocks before you know it :)
No amount of individuality / freedom etc warrants flesh coloured camel toes, my friend.
ReplyDeleteYou're right