- New boots! bugger the recession, I couldn't do it
- Getting rip-off version of Twighlight DVD in Bali and taking R-Patz love to the next level
- The new improved Diva on Lambton! they actually have some pretty damn awesome stuff, I only spent $30 but it took every scrap of willpower I had to not spend at least $100
- Cask wine, evil necessity of recession living
- Massage withdrawals
- Facebook quiz overload, everything in moderation yes but it's getting out of hand
you DID take the what ironic piece of indie clothing quiz are you :p
ReplyDeleteBut that was ironic, right? Right.
God it is great to have you kids back! Even if just for pure blog appreciation. Hope the cold isn't getting you down.
ReplyDeleteWell it said I was an "outdated trilby" didn't it? I don't own a trilby, therefore it is wrong and dumb and no more bloody quizzes!
ReplyDeleteMonica! haha thanks for welcoming us back! hey going to Marinas tonight for some tasty tasty cask wine and then Mighty! she's probably already invited you and Felicity, if not then comeeee :)
(Blog-as-social-outing-liaising-tool, what next??)