Disillusioned at the glut of shit movies released of late (apart from Notorious, of course: best.movie.ever), I have turned my attention to the 80s and the treasure trove of options in the $3.50 section at United Video.
Last night I watched The Breakfast Club and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Here are my observations and reasons why you should watch it too:
1)Eighties movies always open with the entire credit listing at the start, meaning you have to sit through the gaffer, the grip and Judd Nelson’s assistant’s name before you get to the good stuff. Why?
2)The starting track is Don’t You Forget About Me by Tears for Fears, which rules.
4)Ally Sheedy’s emotional-weirdo character is awesome, particularly when she announces she is a nymphomaniac. I wish she didn’t have the feeble makeover at the end though. And, as an aside, how much did she look like Alison Mosshart? Uncanny. So uncanny I created my own “totallylookslike” thing. Thoughts?
5)The break-into-dance section after they all get stoned is possibly the most cringe-inducing routine I have ever seen. I’m talking to you Judd Nelson.
6)All teenagers were highly strung about their parents in the 80s and all tried to outdo each other with who had it the worst. So emotional.
7)Emilio Estevez is a creep.
8)Molly Ringwald has the better lips than Angelina Jolie.
That’s about all I can think of for now. It’s brilliant movie though. More 80s movie wraps to come. . .
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