-T-Rex. I’ve been listening to it everyday for a good two months now and I see no need to stop.
-Notorious – the movie about Biggie. My teenage love for old-school hip hop has been reignited of late.
-James Franco’s stoner dude character in Pineapple Express = stoner babe.

-Highbrow movies. There’s a time and a place, but right now I’m off the thought-provoking and intellectual shit in favour of good-rubbish like Superbad, Sixteen Candles (gold) and Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
-The term credit-crunch. When we said it over dinner last night it planted a seed in my mind to buy a crunchie bar on my way home.
-Procrastination with not getting winter shoes repaired. Come on now.
I have watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall at least 9 times. It got me through a rough patch, but is also awesome. I need to watch it again.