The First

I love “first” days. Today is a perfect example – the first day of September, the first day of spring, my first day back at the gym and the first day of my “I’m totes sticking to it this time” health regime. What a day to start afresh! And what makes a “first” day even better is when it’s beautiful as today was; crisp and sunny outside, blossoms on the trees and those lovely good natured, nice-guy flowers daffodils and jonquils in every well-tended garden around town. Today is also random act of kindness day!
What was my point here? Oh, right – Noah and the Whale. Their latest album The First Days of Spring is so lovely. It has been on heavy rotation on my iPod the past few weeks and it seems even more appropriate to listen to it since it really is the first days of spring. It even sounds how spring would sound if it was music (?).
My random act of kindness for the day is posting this link which allows you to download the album. Sharing is caring <3
- Port, I've recently been introduced to this by someone I now drink with on rather a regular basis and think it's safe to say I've developed a definite craving :/ it's all I want to drink now! (try drinking it in a caravan in a small sea-side town whilst playing drunk pictionary and it's a pretty cool Saturday night) :)
- Umiya Japanese takeaways in the atrium. Amaaaaazing. I have a problem/addiction
- This song always pleasantly surprising when you can like an artist/band for months and not get sick of them! :) <3 you Ellie

- Umiya Japanese takeaways in the atrium. Amaaaaazing. I have a problem/addiction
- This song always pleasantly surprising when you can like an artist/band for months and not get sick of them! :) <3 you Ellie

Cool kids stick together

Further benefits of being a fan of bands on facebook: Having a rare peak into the Alison Mosshart inner circle. She posted these behind the scenes photos from The Kills tour with The Horrors, (what a combo) providing insight into the fun times had when you're in a cool band. Like drinking at bars in Brooklyn with Alexa Chung and putting Noel Fielding into a merchandise box. Looks like a proper lark!
Muscats @ Millton

Everyone should come to this awesome party our friend Mon is having at her place! It's going to be so fun! In fact, why not come to gissy for the whole labour weekend and come to the Wine & Food festival on the Sunday too! The festival is also extremely fun, and if you don't believe me, just look at what a laugh we had last year:

Penguin Books
As Lissy mentioned previously, we love old books. Lots. For a while I was focusing my collection on extremely old hard-covered books, with pretty spines and gold leaf pages but recently I've been turned my attention to Penguins. I love the coded and organised nature of them, the simplicity and the fact they are so penguin-ish; they're easy to spot among walls of books. I got a couple of these ones today for only $2 each!!!!! Bargain. And I'm so excited about my rapidly growing collection I just had to share some of my favourites. x
The Hangover

The last thing I remember from last night was dancing around a lounge to Violet by Hole and wine spilling over my glass. Suddenly I woke up at 5am, extremely uncomfortable, on some flattish type couch with my heels still on. Groan.
I made my way home, surprisingly made my way to work and now I'm dealing with several symptoms of The Hangover. You know, the usual stuff: cringy flashbacks, cellphone sent message horror, that taste in the back of your mouth that simply WILL NOT GO AWAY, an indescribably bad feeling in my stomach, eyes that look like pissholes in the snow, zero cigarettes, and an overwhelming need to be hugged.
So, I give you the Top 5 All-Time Best Ever Things for The Hangover:
1) All manner of drinks. Not just one, ALL MANNER, such as: banana milk, cup of tea, coke and mandarin mizone.
2) Pasta! I always have hungover cravings for cabonara type food, as well as meaty croquettes, creamy mayo cheeseburgers or eggs benedict. Any of these will do.
3) Television or movies that requires no thinking. Such as shortland street omnibuses, Keeping up with the Kardashians, The Hills, Bromance or, the worst ever, Denise Richards: It's complicated. Shit television is surprisingly therapeutic.
4) Hugs! Reassurance from wholesome people that everything is going to be ok.
5) Suri Cruise. Just look at her!

:) and :/

- Feijoa cider from the Wine Cellar...genius/ah-mazing. Warning: you will NOT have "just one pint"
- My new Yeti! we've called him Not Yeti, and he is the new keeper of my heart <3 you can get him from here!
- Studying/learning, yay, love it!
- Not blogging for months, where have I been? I forgot that I love writing down random thoughts and bits & bobs so much! hehe
- Snarkyness
- Student poor-ness setting in. Hmmm. Not loving it
Magic Pony

Aaargh I love old books (yes I copied you Chris :p) especially one with awesome old school illustrations on the cover. I got the Mills&Boons ones from Levin Sallies for 50c each, with titles like "Caribbean Pink" how can you say no? I think the Magic Pony is my fave though, someone a wee bit spesh gave it to me, which always makes cool things even cooler :)
Sitting on the shelf

So there is a point to becoming a fan of things on facebook after all. I got this little update from She & Him, thanks to being a facebook fan, which pointed me to this very cute video clip for their song, Why Do You Let Me Stay Here, which I love. It's got Zooey Deschanel and Joeseph Gorden-Levitt in it and was made as a little bonus for their new movie, (500) Days of Summer. It's produced by the same guy from Juno, so I'm pretty sure it will rule. The video clip definitely does - it's impeccably-styled and fun and awkward, and has inspired me to revisit She & Him again after overkilling it last year!
Why do you let me stay here was a kind of theme song in my flat for quite a while, as us three girls were all single and became obsessed with the concept of "sitting on the shelf." We talked a lot old maids, cats and such and went so far to line these russian dolls up above the fire place as a sad (actually, not that sad) reminder we were still sitting on the shelf. I can report two of the russian dolls are no longer on the shelf, mine not included.
haha. what a digression.
Here's a link to watch the video, you should.

Just do it

Why oh WHY do I put stuff off and not do it even when it just so needs to be done (yes non existent illustrations for poetry zine, I'm talking to YOU)
So I've come up with a new mantra that I am going to repeat to myself over the next 2 days and whenever else I'm at the end of deadline time and haven't even STARTED something:
"Just do it, so it's done"
Then there's no more stressing about it!....cos it's DONE!
Not very deep, not very profound, but very sensible.
I'm off to do it, so it's done
Be excited, be be excited!

Who doesn't love a good zine? Everybody in Auckland should come to Zinefest!
It's at my new flat (Cross St Studios) NEXT SATURDAY! 15th Aug! complete with a big fat after- party (yeeyah)
Check out the blog for more details!
Sauces are dangerous

Karl Lagerfeld - amazing, but clearly thoroughly wound up about food and diets etc.
All of this nonsense came out of his mouth:
"No, and I never, ever eat in between the meals. I control it well enough and with no pills, and I sleep seven hours a night. I go to bed. I fall asleep, and I wake up seven hours later, and this is the most important."
"Some people would like me to be round again."
"I eat fish, three times a week meat, and if not yogurt, something like this and it rarely continues."
"Yes, some people say to me you're too skinny, but never a skinny person says that to me, only people who could lose a few pounds say that."
"I have now exactly the same weight I had when I was 18, 20."
All of this nonsense came out of his mouth:
"No, and I never, ever eat in between the meals. I control it well enough and with no pills, and I sleep seven hours a night. I go to bed. I fall asleep, and I wake up seven hours later, and this is the most important."
"Some people would like me to be round again."
"I eat fish, three times a week meat, and if not yogurt, something like this and it rarely continues."
"Yes, some people say to me you're too skinny, but never a skinny person says that to me, only people who could lose a few pounds say that."
"I have now exactly the same weight I had when I was 18, 20."
And, the best of all:
"If there's something dangerous, sauces are dangerous for the body."
"If there's something dangerous, sauces are dangerous for the body."
Tigers and Shit

At Big Day Out this year, one of the coolest parts of the day was when Arctic Monkeys lead singer Alex Turner announced they would play a song never been heard before.
“It’s about tigers and shit,” he told the crowd, cementing my opinion he is one of the coolest dudes ever. The song about tigers and shit was cool, but the best new song they played that day was Crying Lightening. I remember my friend Nicki and I looking at each other with sheer joy, observing the epic-ness of the moment and the brilliantness of the song, made even better by the fact we were watching it live, sandwiched in a mosh pit of other monkey lovers.
“AH-MAZING,” Nicki declared. “SO AH-MAZING,” I agreed.
Even though the album isn’t due for release until the 25th of August, it’s all over the internet for download. Ever since I got my greedy little hands on it I have not stopped listening to it. I highly recommend.
“It’s about tigers and shit,” he told the crowd, cementing my opinion he is one of the coolest dudes ever. The song about tigers and shit was cool, but the best new song they played that day was Crying Lightening. I remember my friend Nicki and I looking at each other with sheer joy, observing the epic-ness of the moment and the brilliantness of the song, made even better by the fact we were watching it live, sandwiched in a mosh pit of other monkey lovers.
“AH-MAZING,” Nicki declared. “SO AH-MAZING,” I agreed.
Even though the album isn’t due for release until the 25th of August, it’s all over the internet for download. Ever since I got my greedy little hands on it I have not stopped listening to it. I highly recommend.
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